10 years of the Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation

Fiona and Tim’s youngest son, Daniel, died in January 2014 aged just 16, from using recreational drugs at a rave. They were not ignorant about drugs, but had no idea they were neither quite so close to their door, nor quite so accessible for young people; they also discovered that the majority of young people have limited access to good, evidence-based drug education – something that could, perhaps, have enabled Dan to face that decision more safely. Dan was one of the last people anyone would have expected to die from drugs. He was articulate, bright, funny, popular, talented and kind. Dan’s death was devastating and, in response to this personal tragedy, we have made it our mission to do all we can to prevent this tragedy from happening to someone else, through the drug education charity  founded in his name.


Calendar of events


  • 20th - memorial service with family and friends


  • Launch '£10 for our 10 years' fundraising campaign
  • Produce 10 Years in the Life impact booklet
  • 20th - 10 Years in the LIfe event


  • Launch Drug Education Forum


  • 6th - Dan's last journey. Sponsored walk from Hillingdon Hospital to King's College Hospital




  • Fundraising quiz in South Croydon - 10 themed (of course!)
  • Grampian pilot dissemination event in Aberdeen






  • Launch £100 from £10 fundraising event




  • Launch delivery in Northern Ireland
  • Charity of the Year at Larchfield Christmas Fair, NI


  • Photo album of the year