Theatre in Education Performances
Since 2017, a Theatre in Education version of ‘I Love You, Mum – I Promise I Won’t Die’ adapted by playwright Mark Wheeller has been touring schools, colleges and community settings. This includes the cast delivering an interactive education workshop after performing the play, so young people are able to explore its key themes of informed decision making, risk awareness and staying safe.
Tours are commissioned by the DSM Foundation for schools across England and Scotland, and by January 2024, over 100,000 young people had seen a performance in this way . Details of our forthcoming tours are below.

Non-tour bookings
Live performances may also be available outside tours. For more information, please contact us via play@dsmfoundation.org.uk or contact Tie It Up Theatre (north England, south west England, Scotland and Wales) or Wizard Theatre (south England and south east Wales) directly.
Another option is the filmed version of ‘I Love You, Mum – I Promise I Won’t Die’. For more information on this, click here.
Play performances are always received very positively, with nearly all teachers saying they would book it again. Student feedback is also incredibly positive, as shown below from the survey they are asked to complete to gauge the impact on their perceptions of risk and consequence.

“I have never seen that set of students so engaged in anything from the very start to the end. I have no idea how your team can deliver such intense content so effectively, they were outstanding… Not one single person could say they did not identify with any of the characters. The angles and people stories were so real to them… I genuinely believe that watching this will save lives.” – Teacher
“I was in the audience as a student watching this performance, and I just wanted to say how I didn’t even know Daniel yet I know he would be so proud of all the amazing work you’re doing to help prevent this happening to others. Such a selfless thing to do from such a sad and horrible thing, and I know now why my mum worries as much as she does when I go out – I can understand now. I still don’t have many words left to describe the power of the moving performance itself- but thank you for impacting lives with the story of theatre. My friend and I both felt the same and realised how much of an issue it is for young people this day and age, it has made me so much more aware. Thank you for making a difference in the world.” – Student
The play performances have a huge impact on all who see them, but are also the most expensive part of our drugs and alcohol education programme so we are very grateful to all those who are supporting the 2023/4 tours (London/SE and Scotland) including:
Please see our Thank You page for acknowledgement of all our sponsors.
If you would like to contribute financially to the tour please see our donation page.