I wish I’d known by Fiona Spargo-Mabbs [free p&p]


I wish I’d known by Fiona Spargo-Mabbs [free p&p]

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In 2020 when Covid19 hit, the world shut down, and the busyness of the Foundation took a quieter turn, Fiona Spargo-Mabbs began writing a book for parents, the book she wishes she’d been able to read before her son Dan died. Hence the title, I Wish I’d Known. The concept was to recreate a parents’ workshop in a book, and the passionate commitment that drove it all, is what drives all that the Foundation exists to achieve: to prevent any other parent going through anything even the tiniest bit similar. 


The book was published by Sheldon Press on 27 May 2021, Dan’s birthday.  


Every penny of royalties from every book sold will go to Dan’s Foundation, enabling us to keep doing more of what we do. Saving young lives.


I Wish I’d Known interweaves the story of one family’s terrible loss with calm, measured and practical advice for parents. It explores the risks posed by illegal drugs, and explains the way the adolescent brain makes decisions. There is practical advice for saying safe, information on reducing harm, and ‘talking points’ for parents and their children to do, talk about, look at, look up or consider. 


A life lost to drugs is a loss like no other. Throughout the book, Daniel’s story – his life, his death and what happened afterwards – not only provides a compelling reminder of the importance of those conversations, but also serves as an unforgettable eulogy to a son, brother, boyfriend and friend whose legacy continues to touch, and perhaps even save, the lives of other young people.