Useful sources of information, advice and support

Talk to Frank
Frank is the government’s drug information site for young people, run by Public Health England. It includes an A-Z of substances and their risks and effects, videos, case studies, links to local support services and a live webchat for confidential advice.
Does a child know more than you?
The Drinkaware Trust is an independent UK-wide alcohol education charity, which works in partnership with others to help reduce alcohol-related harm by helping people make better choices about their drinking. Their parent/carer area includes topics such as the risks of under-age drinking, how to talk to your child about alcohol, and teenage drinking.

Know the Score
Know The Score is similar to Frank but run by the Scottish government. It includes downloadable booklets for parents about drugs and alcohol.

Drugfam offers support to families, friends and carers struggling to cope with loved ones’ addiction to drugs or alcohol. They have information and support on their website and also a helpline which is open 7 days a week 9am – 9pm (0300 888 3853) parents’ page has a range of advice for parents and carers about how to tackle conversations with kids about drugs, useful links and a downloadable version of their toolkit. is a social enterprise set up to provide accessible and comprehensive information to help reduce the short and long term harms of drugs.

Alcohol Education Trust

Teen Tips
The Teen Tips online and onsite courses equip parents with the knowledge, confidence and skills to support young people as they navigate everything from relationships, pornography, alcohol, drugs and social networking to exam stress, perfectionism, body image, gaming and gambling.

YoungMinds is the UK’s leading charity championing the wellbeing and mental health of young people. Parents and carers can find advice and support to help their child through difficult times through YoungMinds’ online ‘parents’ survival guide’ and their free parents’ helpline, offering confidential, expert advice.

Adfam is a national organisation offering support to families of those affected by drug and alcohol use, and brings together local organisations across the UK. Their website includes information and advice and how to find a local support group.

Bereavement support
Care for the Family Bereaved Parent Support: offers a range of support to bereaved parents including information and advice online, days and weekends for bereaved parents, and a telephone befriending service for parents who have lost a child for any reason, including to drugs and alcohol. The try as far as possible to find a befriender who shares a similar reason for losing their child.

The Compassionate Friends
Offers support online, over the telephone and locally where possible through small support groups and events. They also have a wide range of downloadable leaflets, including ones for different family members, and about practical issues such as inquests.