What do YAs do?

YAs are our youth voice in their school

  • they can help us understand the issues young people in their schools and community can face with alcohol and drugs, and what we can do to support them.  
  • they can let the school know how they can help other students stay safe.  
  • they can speak to parents at workshops about the issues for young people.  
  • they can develop information to be used in the school (in discussion with DSMF and school staff).   

YAs are our feet on the ground

  • they can raise awareness of our work in their school.  
  • they can raise awareness of local young people’s services.  
  • they can help out at DSMF events in their school or community.  
  • they can organise fundraising activities to help us do more work locally.  

YAs are part of our national youth forum

  • they can give us feedback on new ideas we have, tell us about issues they’re aware of for other young people, and help us think of ways to support young people better to make safer choices about alcohol and drugs.  