Info and support for young people
Useful sources of information, advice and support
Crew2000 is a Scottish charity providing services for young people, and information via their website, including an A-Z of drugs and an interactive tool for young people to check if their drug use is problematic or risky.
Talk to Frank is run by Public Health England to provide information and advice to young people about drugs and alcohol. It has an extensive list of drugs including many common street names, as well as videos and case studies.
DrugWise provides evidence-based, non-judgmental information on drugs, alcohol and tobacco, with a global as well as UK focus.
Drinkaware is a charity funded by the drinks industry working to reduce alcohol misuse and harm in the UK. They provide information, advice and tools to help people make better choices about drinking.
Fearless is the arm of Crimestoppers than enables young people to give information about crime, anonymously. There are also articles on different crime types such as county lines.
Drug Science was founded in 2010 by Professor David Nutt, former Chair of the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs. It is an independent, science-led drugs charity, bringing together leading drugs experts from a wide range of specialisms to carry out original research into drug harms and effects. The website has detailed information about different substances, articles and research.
A helpline for anyone having thoughts of suicide or concerned for a young person who might be, HOPELINEUK offers confidential support and practical advice.
Call: 0800 068 4141 or Text: 07860039967
The Mix is a charity offering a free and confidential multi-channel service for 13-25 year olds on a range of issues that might affect them, including drugs and alcohol. They have articles and video content online, and offer advice and support through their phone, email, peer to peer and counselling services.
Young Minds is the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health. Its website has a range of useful information and resources for young people, parents and professionals.
To Drugs is a series of podcasts on drugs and drug-related issues with Dr Suzi Gage, academic psychologist and epidemiologist at Liverpool University. Intelligent, balanced, non-judgemental and research-based information.
Talk About Alcohol offers games, quizzes, activities, information and advice for 11-16 year olds about alcohol and how to make safe choices.