Become a Friend of the Foundation
Monthly donations - become a Friend of the Foundation
We can’t do what we do without your support, and every donation counts. This year we are launching £10 for our 10th Year.
Ten years ago, something good was born from something very, very bad. What happened to Dan was a tragedy that should never have happened, and 10 years with no Dan is a milestone that should never have been reached. The Foundation which bears his name, has worked tirelessly for 10 years to prevent anything like this from happening to anyone else’s child and to anyone else’s family.
We warmly encourage all supporters to consider making monthly donations via Direct Debit as this provides us with a valuable, stable income base from which we can make solid plans and commitments, with confidence that these will be funded. This planned growth is crucial to enabling us to meet the ever-increasing demands for us to reach more young people in more places.
Friends of the Foundation are individuals who are committed to our vision of saving young lives, and join us in this work by making a regular financial contribution, whether small or large. Our Friends are very much the heart of our community, and they are key to the continuing work and growth of the DSM Foundation.
In return for setting up a monthly donation of £10/month or more, we will send you a DSMF thank you gift. We will also give you priority access to our community play performances and will send regular updates about our work through our newsletters so you can see the difference your financial support is making to young people and families.
What your donation will enable us to do:
- If you donate £10 a month, over the course of a year, this would raise £120, which fully funds a student workshop
- If 10 people did this, over the course of a year, this would raise £1,200, which would fully fund a play performance as well as a parent workshop
- If 100 people did this, over the course of a year, this would raise an incredible £12,000, which would fully fund 13 performances of the school tour of the play or could all but pay for a part time Drugs Educator.
How to donate
Online donation
- Click here to make one-off or regular donations, or to pay in money from fundraising activities
- Don’t forget to tick the Gift Aid box!
Standing order
- Set up a regular donation via a standing order with your bank or building society.
- Use these details:
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account number: 16477663
Account: Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation
- Send a completed donations form including Gift Aid details to
- or please post to DSMF, Palmerston House, 814 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2BR
Bank transfer
- If you’d like to make a BACS transfer, please use these details:
Sort code: 30-99-50
Account number: 16477663
Account: Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation
- Send a completed donations form including Gift Aid details to
- or post to DSMF, Palmerston House, 814 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2BR
- Make your cheque payable to “The Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation“
- Attach a completed donations form including Gift Aid details
- Please post to DSMF, Palmerston House, 814 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2BR
Gift Aid
- If you are a tax payer you can increase your past and future gifts to us by 25% at no cost to you
- If you haven’t already, please send a completed Gift Aid form to
- or post to DSMF, Palmerston House, 814 Brighton Road, Purley, Surrey, CR8 2BR
One-off donations
One-off donations are always greatly appreciated and contribute to helping us to deliver our drug education programme. There are several donation methods – and please remember to Gift Aid your donation if you are a UK tax payer, which get us 25% more! Please see below for how to donate.
Fundraising activities
There are lots of ways that you can raise both awareness and funds for the Foundation – from sponsored challenge events to holding a cake sale – and everything in between! See our fundraising page for further ideas.
Gifts in your will / legacy giving
Leaving a gift to the DSM Foundation in your will creates a lasting legacy of impact on young people, enabling them to benefit from the opportunity to develop the understanding and skills they need to make safer choices about drugs. [Please note that DSMF cannot offer legal advice, but further information about wills is available from the Citizens Advice Bureau.]
Payroll giving
If you’re an employee, payroll giving allows your donation to come out of your gross pay meaning the tax you would have paid on your donation comes to us.
Through payroll giving, a £10 donation to us only costs you: £8 if you pay basic tax (20%); £6 if you pay higher rate tax (40%); or £5.50 if you pay the 45% rate.
Contact your Payroll department to set up a payroll gift. If your employer doesn’t have a scheme set up but they want to know more, they can contact a Payroll Giving Agency approved by HMRC to set up a scheme – see for further information.